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Life story
May 12, 2008
Kadence Madiosn Rodriguez was concieved September 14, 2007 on her Daddy's Birthday! She was a big saprise to us all. Due to the fact that the family was not quite on good terms. As the months passed by things were getting a little back to normal. As the months started getting closer I was getting even more anxious! I couldn't wait to see who my little girl looked like.
I was scheduled to be induced on May 12, 2008 at 8:00am. It only took you eight hours to arrive. I was so excited to see who you looked like. You were born with so much hair and big beautiful eyes! You weighed 5lbs 1.5ozs and were 18ins long. You were a tiny little peanut! We finally left the hospital on May 14, 2008 and you only weighed 4lbs 13ozs. I couldn't wait to take you home and show you all your beautiful things we had for you. Every where we would go you would to. You went to your first movie when you were only a month old. I just couldn't bare leaving you with anyone else. You were my little mamacita's. I finally had a child who I could call mine. I know that I have two other kids, but your sister Samantha is grandma's girl and your brother Andrew is Daddy's boy. You you were going to be Momma's girl!
Kadence was the sweet's baby. As little as she was she had the biggest heart ever. She always had a great big smile with those deep dimples that would always light up the room. Kadence was loved by so many people, it was like they were drawn to her shinning personality. We miss her daily and our hearts are were broken in half that tragic day. Part of our family link is missing, but it will be reunited one day! We will always keep her name alive and in our hearts always. I was blessed with a beautiful baby, and don't understand why she was taken away. I am still and always will try and make sense of it. Everyday I try to be strong without seeing her smiling face and big heart. Mamacita I will see you soon, but until that day I will never stop hugging, loving, and missing you! I feel so empty inside, but knowing I have you in my heart makes me live each day. You left behind so many loved ones and friends also with an emptyness. But they all know you are right there with them in thir hearts. We love you "Mamacita"! Until we are all reunited again!
August 25, 2008
Three months went by, and I could not be more happier. But due to financial reasons  I needed to get a job. So I finally got a job at St. Vincent's Hospital as a Unit Clerk Specialist in the Med Surd. My first day was August 11, 2008. At the time Kadence's great  grandma Della would watch her while I was at work. It then started getting a little hard for Della so I found this lady named Mary Lovato who had an opening for my son and daughter. We meet with her Wednesday August 20, 2008. We really liked her so we decide to send Kadence there! My son wouldn't start for another two weeks. Her first day was Friday August 22nd. I droped her off at 6:30am that day cause I had to be at work by 7:00am. Andres, Kadence's daddy picked her up that day cause he got out early. She was such a happy baby that weekend. Monday August 25, 2008, back to work. That morning Kadence woke up earlier then usual. My little mama's usually sleeps till 9:00. That morning she woke up at 6:30am. I fed her and then put her in her bouncer to finish getting ready. My dad and Della were playing with her and she was laughing and smiling away. I then went to the babysitters I got there arond 7:10am I wrote her a check, told her Kadence might still be hungry, and then gave my baby a kiss good bye. The best thing was she smiled back at me before I left! I got to work about ten minutes early. Around 8:15 I got the worst phone call any parent could get. My daughter wasn't breathing and the paramedics were working on her. I dropped the phone and started screaming. Evelyn one the the people I work with got the phone and finished talking to Mary.  She then took me to ER room #2 where they were going to continue working on her.  I sat there and waited and waited. It felt like I was sitting there for hours. They finally brought her limp pail body in with a big tube coming out of her mouth. I began to freak out so they made me leave the room. I could not believe my little baby was not breathing! They told me they were going to have to sedate me if I don't calm down. How was I supposed to be come when my child wasn't breathing and had a tube down her throat and they were pumping her stomach!!! The whole emergency staff was there. The minute they recieved the call the operator called over head a Code Blue. They worked on my babies for fifty minutes until they made the dicission to stop. They called me into the room to see how hard they were trying to bring my angel back. They made me look at the monitor while they compressed her chest. Her heart rate would go up, but as soon as they would stop it dropped right back down to zero. My baby was gone and I didn't know why! I still till this day don't know the actual cause of death. Everybody keeps telling me that is was SIDS. Eight months later I finally recieved the autopsy. The report said exactlly everything I already knew. That my daughter was perfect! Perfect in each and every way. I know I will never be at peace but at least I can go on living knowing that my daughter died a peaceful death!