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Kalynne's Mommy Happy Valentine's Day Kadence! February 11, 2009


Love to you always pretty lil angel <3


Jordan Logan's Grandma Happy Valentines Day Sweetie! February 10, 2009




Jordan Logan's Grandma Baby Kadence ♥ January 7, 2009





Rains Mommy Happy New Years January 1, 2009
Jordan Logan's Grandma Thinking of you and your family December 31, 2008

On New Year's Day
and the whole year through,
I hope the kindness
you've given to others
returns many times to you.
May hope, love, and warmth
be in your heart's possessing,
and may the New Year
bring you and yours
many blessings.

Kalynne's Mommy Just for Kadence December 28, 2008



The last pic didn't show so hopefully this time it will. This was your specially balloon that  I released it just for you, I hope you had fun catching it.  Love to you always angel



Kalynne's Mommy Just for Kadence December 25, 2008


Merry Christmas Kadence! I hope you had fun catching this special balloon that was just for you!! Love to you always!








Nana (Leslie) Rodriguez Merry Christmas my Angel December 22, 2008

Hello my sweet angel. I held a baby girl last night and all I could think about was you. Your Auntie Alex and I kept thinking about how you would have been. She was so happy and full of excitement. Her smile reminded me of yours. Oh, baby we miss you so much and wish you were here with us. Christmas is in a few days and all I can think about is you not being here to celebrate your 1st Christmas with us. I can't help but feel cheated that we didn't have more time with you. But then again, I wish "I" would have spent more time with you. Maybe it was I who cheated you. I am so sorry for that. My sweet angel Nana loves you so much and my heart will be forever broken. Not a day goes by without me thinking of you. One day God will take me to you and I will give you never ending kisses and hold you in my arms and never let you go. Please take care of your mommy and daddy, they miss you and love you so much. Send your kisses to all of us. We love you my sweet angel. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!

Kalynne's Mommy Merry Christmas Pretty Girl December 15, 2008




Sending you and all your Family lots of Christmas Blessing, especially your Mommy and Auntie Camille.  Give them a BIG angel hug for me Christmas day.  You and your family have a special place in my heart always.


Love to you always

 Kalynne's Mommy



Jordan Logan's Grandma Love you Little Kadence! December 13, 2008




*Baby Eli's Mommy* HI Baby! December 11, 2008

Hello beautiful! Stopping by to hello Hello to your sweet self. Have a beautiful day angel.







Jordan Logan's Grandma Thinking of you during the holidays December 8, 2008
Edwina ~ Troy Mitchell's mum Thinking of you at Christmas December 8, 2008

Beautiful Christmas Angel


Jordan Logan's Grandma Happy Birthday Kadence's Mommy December 3, 2008

                        Sending birthday wishes to you!


*Baby Eli's Mommy* Sweet Princess! December 1, 2008

Hi Beautiful Angel, Just stopping by to let you know that you and your family are in my prayers. Always stay close to your mommy and send her lots of your angel love.

Rains Mommy Happy Holidays November 29, 2008
Jordan Logan's Grandma Christmas Pooh's for You! November 28, 2008

















Kalynne's Mommy HAPPY THANKSGIVING KADENCE!! November 27, 2008

Rains Mommy Happy Thanksgiving November 27, 2008
Waylon Kitchens Mommy Happy Thanksgiving! November 26, 2008

Thinkin of you sweetie and wishing you a Happy Day!

Jordan Logan's Grandma Thanksgiving wishes November 26, 2008
daddy To my little beautifull November 25, 2008
Hi baby I know its been a while since I wrote but I just wanted to tell you I love you and miss you so so much and I cant believe its already been three whole months since this tragedy has happened.  I think of you everyday once I wake up and on the way to work I talk to you and I get the chills as you are with me and at night I pray to you and god both cause you are my guardian angel now.  I pray to god to help your mom, me and everyone threw what we all feel.  Its really hard to deal with life without you baby.  You brought so much joy and life out of so many people. I knew when I would lay and play or even just get close to you,  that you were not just a baby you were an angel.  I knew because I would get a nice comfortable good feeling.  I cant even express it in words.  There is so much more I want to tell you sweetheart but its so hard. But I just want you to know that I am always thinking about you everyday all day. I love you baby girl and I will try and write more.  I love you good night sweet dreams and god bless you. 
Waylon Kitchens Mommy My Deepest Sympathy November 17, 2008

Do not grieve, for the Joy of the Lord is your strength.

Nehemiah 8:10


Nana (Leslie) Rodriguez Our Precious Angel November 17, 2008

Once I saw this, it reminded me of my sweet Kadence, showering us with her tender love.  We love you and are always thinking of you.   We will see you again and you will once more be in our arms.  Love, Nana (Leslie) Rodriguez

Jordan Logan's Grandma Thinking of your family November 13, 2008

You are in my thoughts and prayers. Sweet little Kadence is watching over you and your family. She is with you all the time. Please know that others care. ♥




Rain Arizolas Mommy Thinking of you! November 5, 2008
Camille Missing you November 3, 2008


Sending my love...................................................

Jordan Logan's Grandma Beautiful Butterfly November 1, 2008








            Sending your family all my thoughts and prayers.




Jamie (Ava's Mommy) Our Angels October 30, 2008
Hi Baby Girl, As I sit here and look at your page, you just remind me so much of my baby.  She weighed 5lbs when she was born and was 17in long too!  Only she was stillborn 4 weeks early.  Ava also has a older brother and sister who miss her soooo much.  I even think you babies kind of look alike! It is weird how loss and pain and bring people together.  The pain that only us Mommy's can understand, it's hard baby girl.  Please stay close to your family and watch over them. Let them know you are there.  Especially your brother and sister.  They suffer more then anything!  Ava's brother and sister still cry for her all of the time.  They miss her, as I am sure your bother and sister miss you!  You were a beautiful angel on earth, and an even more beautiful angel in heaven baby! 
Veresa (Jordan Logan's Grandma Thinking of You October 30, 2008

I want to extend my  condolences to the family of this beautiful angel. I am so sorry for the loss you have suffered. I pray for you to find peace and comfort. Our little angels now play together on heaven's clouds. They look down and see us and they smile, knowing we are thinking of them and loving them. Our little angels are now safe in God's care. They have beautiful angels walking with them every step of the way. :)

Sweet little Kadence is in heaven playing with Jordan and all the other angel babies.

Your family is in my thoughts and prayers.


Camille Gallegos miss You October 29, 2008
Hay sweet angel, i have not wrote for a while, i have been busy intorducing you to the world. I hope you approve.  So many people say how pretty you are. They Right. I have been to so many other baby site and light so many candles in hopes that it will lift some of there parents pain. I have read so many stories, some sweet and naturl and some so tragic that i loss sleep over them. I still think about you everyday. And any chance i get i vist this memory page just to look at you one more time. Those eyes and that smile, no wounder i fell head over hills for you. I see this perfect pictures your mommy took of you and get so filled with happeness it carries me thorugh another day. And look at this back round,  it could not be more suitable. That black kitty looks just like my first baby i had for 22 years(pepper). She was my world from the age of 5. Kinda like you sister. they got her a kitty and she takes such good care of it. As for your brother and kayla they fight over her, but to be honest. I dont think she minds. She has such a calm personality, it reminds me of you. And i hold her in my arms any chance i get, just like i did with you. I remember waiting for your mom to go do her hair, and as soon as i heard the blow dryer you were in my arms until she had to feed you. I wish now that i would have just told your mom how much she hurt me and worked it out. I would have loved to been at all your baby shower. These are thing i cant get back. Time moves with you or with out. Our fight was so peedy and childish. But we have moved on and are very close now. We are at an understanding that only you could have brough. I thank you for that. This is one thing angels can do, bring families close. I am so glade i went to the hospital before and after you were born. I am just sorry i was not there for you and mommy like i was with brother. But as i walked in unsure of what to find mommy welcomed me with open arms and her face lite up like christmas when i walked in. I will never forget that. And as me and uncle worked out you were born. When i returned to the hospital your mommmy place you in my arms at once and took my picture. At first i was so uncomfortable, and the moment i looked in those eyes i was in love. You touch my heart so deep. I can still remeber my toughts when i look at the picture of us. I was so proud of you. Thank you Hope for being the bigger person at this time and welcomming me into your angels life. And her name, well we all knew i loved her name. It was one i had pick out for kalya. (Kadence) she did it much justice. She put us all back in rythum. Now none of us miss a beat. I love you baby girl, and to mommy and daddy i am so proud of you both and love you both very much.    xoxoxo Camille
Kalynne's Mommy For you sweet angel October 29, 2008



Thinking of your precious Kadence an everyone who was touched by such a sweet angel, you all are in my thoughts an prayers an always will be.  I know that there is nothing I can say to take away the pain, I know because I have a lil angel myself. But know that here on this website she will never be forgotten an will always missed!

I know our lil angels are from the same state an I hope they have become the best of friends, an always have so much fun together playing in heavens playground. 

Sending lots of love to your lil angel Kadence an everyone who misses her

Kalynne's Mommy



Edwina ~ Troy Mitchell's Mum. Thinking of you. October 26, 2008

655522tzxpljt1b7.gif picture by edwinalouise



i108238948_416.gif picture by edwinalouise

My thoughts and prayers are with all who love and miss sweet little  Kandence, especially to her beautiful Mommy. Your precious Angel

is just the cutest little girl I have ever seen, her big brown eyes

captured my heart instantly. You have created a beautiful tribute to

honor sweet Kandence's memory. I wish there where something I

could say to ease your heartache, having my own precious Angel I

know that is impossible. I only pray that you find some comfort

knowing that others care. God Bless~Edwina Mitchell

Nana (Leslie) Rodriguez In the presence of God's Angels October 24, 2008
Hello my sweet Grand-daughter.  It's been a while since your Nana has written to you, so please don't be upset with me.  You are always in my thoughts and will always be in my heart.  You are truly my Guardian Angel.   A friend of mine wrote to me in a letter shortly after you joined God in heaven, that she wishes she would have held you while you were at my house because now she realizes that she was truly in the presence of one of God's Angels.   Oh, baby how true that was.  You have made me realize how precious life is and how we must not take it for granted.  We never know when it will be our turn to join God in heaven and leave our loved ones behind.  Every night and every morning I give your Auntie Alex and Uncle Derek an extra kiss, one for them and one for you.  Your Auntie Alex found one of the blankets that we would wrap you up in when you came to visit and told me "Smell mom, it smell's like Kadence" and it did.  She has slept with that blanket ever since.  You will always be a special part of each one of lives. Your sweet smile, your big brown beautiful eyes, are etched in my mind and will be forever.  I LOVE YOU AND WILL ALWAYS MISS YOU!!!
freddie martinez uncle October 18, 2008
well honey its been a little while since i have wrote anything to you.  I want you to know i love you so much and you are in my heart everyday.  You have been so influential in my life and in my decisions that i make.  Know that every night i go to bed and everyday that i wake up you are the first thing i think about.  Also know that i will do my best to help keep what you  have inspired in our family.   I will never let you be forgotten or replaced.  You have really given our family a gift in both an angel and an inspiration to strive in our life.  i want you to know i love you so much baby and thank you for being an angel in our lives.
Camille Gallegos Aunt October 15, 2008
My little sweet girl, how to start the pain i fell for you. You are so far, yet so close to me. I wish there was a way i could take the hurt from your parents, even for just one day. I could never understand just how much they hurt for something a special as you. From the moment you arrived there was more to you then meets the eye. So calm, sweet, mellow, and at peace with this cold world around you. You where like heave on earth. I can recall as i held you, " your little eyes looking at me with such trust."  This is the look i remember and always will. I  dream of you and you give me faith i never had. The faith to believe there is a god, and he does everthing for a reason. Tho most of the time we don't  understand them, soon we will. This baby is the second i have had to lose. I had a little sister that was 2 day older and died of the same thing. There was nothing i wanted more in the world then her. and on a cold night she was taking as fast as you. Uncalled for and sudden. When i got your call i was more aware of  what could come from it. I got to the hospital, after what seemed like miles of running and found your mommy. Scard, lost  and felling alone and helpless. I took her in my arm an tried to be strong. As i sat there and knew nothing good could come from this, i prayed for a merical, as the memories of my sister ran though my head. With no words we sat with your mommy and cried.  Praying, praying that the words would come that you were fine. But they never did. and after and hour of complete horor they came and told us of your passing. We will never forget you. You hold such a special place in heart honey. and always will. You and my sister are such special angels to me. i have faith that i will see you agian. i pray that you help heel you parnets pain. and that you live on though our thought forever. Nothing could ever replace your life and what it ment to us. With love and faith let your lite shine,
Love you more then words, Camille xoxo
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